
For the purpose of performance regression testing, ExaPF provides a lightweight benchmark script. It allows to test the various configurations for the linear solvers used in the Newton-Raphson algorithm, and run them on a specific hardware. The main julia script benchmark/benchmarks.jl takes all its options from the command line. The benchmark script takes as input a linear solver (e.g. Bicgstab), a target architecture as a KernelAbstractions object (CPU or CUDABackend), and a case filename which is included in the ExaData artifact. An exhaustive list of all available linear solvers can be obtained via ExaPF.LinearSolvers.list_solvers.


julia --project benchmark/benchmarks.jl Bicgstab CUDABackend case300.m


Bicgstab, CUDABackend, case300.m,  69.0,  3.57,  43.7, true

The first three fields are the settings of the benchmark run. They are followed by three timings in milliseconds:

  1. the time taken by the Newton-Raphson algorithm to solve the power flow,
  2. the timings for the Jacobian accumulation using AutoDiff,
  3. and the time for the linear solver, including the preconditioner.

To acquire these timings the code is run three times to avoid any precompilation effects. The last field confirms the Newton-Raphson convergence. In case more verbose output is desired, one has to manually set the verbosity in benchmark/benchmarks.jl by changing

powerflow_solver = NewtonRaphson(tol=ntol)

to one of the following options:

powerflow_solver = NewtonRaphson(tol=ntol, verbose=VERBOSE_LEVEL_NONE)
powerflow_solver = NewtonRaphson(tol=ntol, verbose=VERBOSE_LEVEL_LOW)
powerflow_solver = NewtonRaphson(tol=ntol, verbose=VERBOSE_LEVEL_MEDIUM)
powerflow_solver = NewtonRaphson(tol=ntol, verbose=VERBOSE_LEVEL_HIGH)

A shell script benchmark/ is provided to gather timings with various canonical configurations and storing them in a file cpu_REV.log and gpu_REF.log, where REV is the sha1 hash of the current checked out ExaPF version.